TRICK TACTICS is a card-based RPG where everything is a card, and you're not cut out to be saving the world... But you must do it anyway. Play anything and everything you can to your advantage and wombo combo your way to victory.  Interactions between cards are inspired by Immersive Sim genre games and tabletop roleplaying.

Obstacles often have multiple solutions if you believe in the heart of the cards.

Encounter Screen controls:

  • A: Confirm
  • B: Cancel
  • START: Save
  • SELECT: Store/Retrieve Card


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i might be dumb but i cant seem to download the game it just gives me a file saying a whole buncha random letters i dont understand

what are these random letters?



Enjoyed it; seems to have worked well on my phone.

Would be nice to have a way to select a card and see a description of it without using is as an action. I threw the first gem at the crystal ball not realising that going back out the door would change where I went. Thought I was competing a task. 

Would also be nice to have a way to use consumables without selecting a target first; took me a bit of time to figure out When I could eat.

Overall, I look forward to the future development!



Yeah, it's playable on Delta


So good! I love the game design: having to adapt to the different enemies, environments, and NPCs, especially when two different entities interact with each other. So cool.


I died punching the doors. Am I doing it wrong or is this game too hard?

was punching the door the best option you had at the time?


This is rad, lookin' forward to giving it another shot to see if I can get up to this new boss haha. Keep up the awesome work.


So fun.

Nuff said!


Love the gameboy aesthetic! You've pulled off the look and feel really well. The game really needs a smoother way to move rapidly through dialog/text though and a less abrasive select sfx would be nice too. Just my two nitpicks. But great work! Could totally see kid me playing this in the back of a car and loving it

The reason why the game feels a bit janky is actually because it was made in GBStudio, a game engine that makes games specifically for the gameboy. So the wonkiness is because of the limitations of the console, and not optimisation issues. But yeah, this is a perfect example of what you can make using this engine


Your game was SUPER FUN!! Definitely one of the best games I played for this video. Sadly my keyboard did stop me from experiencing PEAK gaming but this is one of the only games that I did play after the video so THANK YOU for the game:P


this is a super fun demo! i got stuck on a boss bc i screwed myself over lol. excited to see more of this game :) the mechanics are so fun

How do I heal?

Inkeeper Entity cards (for 1 GEM), Food Action cards, and (in the future) Healing Scroll Action cards. The cards dropped by Bat Monsters also drain some HP as part of that attack when you use it on a viable target :)


Please add an advance text option. I started the tutorial and the text started to crawl, so I press the button to show all the text but instead, it skipped it.

I'll fix this in the next update :)




A really cool game, but I wish I could read the card actions before playing them or maybe an npc that would read them to you, and it took me quite a few runs to realize that the slug looking monster card was throwing other cards at the enemy.


working on that ;)

Yes exactly!

TRICK TACTICS demo Gameplay


i couldnt figure it out so i kept moving but im glad others enjoy it, looks cool.

the game is very cool. are you gonna colorise it for the finished game?


It so cool, How did you make it


what key is select





It was alt for me


(1 edit)

Both work


Made a video


Dude this game is so much fun. You are really killing it! I'm gonna get a flash cart to start putting your games on cartridges!


Really cool demo, excited to see more!


Thats an amazing game and concept! Pls keep it up!