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i got destroy by a guy who had guard, life steal and the dice that apply weak ;_;

hey uh i have a question. are you planning to continue to update the game? if so i have some ideas or feedback to add to the gam

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i will edit when im at rank S but for now(rank B) is pretty ez, i just put everything into atack 3.

edit: i got up to rank A and died at the 5 battle, GREAT GAME.

needs to say j and k buttons in dice edit.

great game!

(1 edit) (+1)

So cool! Downloading for my RG35XXSP to give it a go :) Love all your work!

(1 edit) (+2)

Awesome little game! I like how you managed to make the mechanics work for the gbc!

Thanks :) a lot of it was accidental - e.g. using dice as a mechanic meant I had juuust enough freedom on the GBC to display a BG palette per visible side in the Edit screen, and settling on 32 unique sides was just at the limit of unique BG tiles on the Guide screen, etc. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out


oooo this looks fun! Can't wait to try it out!